This is a sister stone to emerald, aquamarine and heliodor….in other words, the beryl family. Morganite is usually seen in very light colors as you see above, but can occur in rare occasions in rather dramatic colors. Named after the famous US gem collector, J.P. Morgan, morganite is the pink to violet variety of beryl. Source: Most important deposits in Brazil, Sri Lank, and US (California).
Chemical: Be3Al2(Si6O18) beryllium aluminum silicate
Formation: In pegmatite formations
Unusual Properties: None
Colors: Usually light pink to violet as seen above.
Wearability: Good.
RI: 1.570 – 1.585
Birefringence: .007 +/-
Optic Character: Uniaxial Negative U –
Specific Gravity: 2.85 average. Higher than most of the beryls
Crystal System: Hexagonal
Hardness: 7.5
Transparency: Transparent
Special Identifying Properties and Tests: None
Synthetics: None known at this time
Imitations: Plastic and glass imitations possible.