Consumer Information
What color is it?: This unusual gemstone is purple with streaks of white running the length and mottled throughout the stone.
What is the story behind this gemstone?: This stone was discovered in 1976 in the USSR close to the Charo River, from which it got its name. Unfortunately, the gemstone has been very popular and at last report the mining of the stone has ceased due to limited sources being available.
Can I wear it everyday?: Yes, a very hard and long wearing gemstone.
Is it expensive?: Not right now. But as availability decreases prices will inevitably increase. So shop now before the price starts going up. (and that's no sales pitch....availability is indeed limited as of this writing)
Is it a birthstone?: No
What do I need to know before going shopping?: Just look for a pretty stone. There is not anything on the market that will come close to the look so you can be fairly confident that if you see a stone that looks like one of the photographs on this page you are getting charoite.
General Information
Source: USSR exclusively
Chemical: K(Ca,Na)2 Si4O10(OH,F),H2O which means it will probably not be synthesized soon...
Formation: Most likely igneous formations
Crystal System: None, an aggregate or combination of minerals
Unusual Properties: The coloring is about as unusual as you can ask for
Gemological Information

RI: 1.55 + -
Birefringence: None
Optic Character: None
Specific Gravity: 2.68 + -
Hardness: 7 + -
Transparency: Opaque
Special Identifying Properties and Tests: Just look at it is all you need to do. No tests are needed
Synthetics: None
Imitations: Not at this time....but give the bad guys some time and I am sure they will...
Gemological information on this page has been provided by the
International School of Gemology.