What color is it?: Blue.
What is the story behind
this gemstone?: A
sister stone to malachite this beautiful blue gemstone is a form
of oxidized copper. It rarely forms in transparent crystals as
shown at top.
Can I wear it everyday?:
Yes. Azurite is a
long wearing stone in carved pieces and beads.
Is it expensive?:No. It is priced at about the same
price level as malachite.
Is it a birthstone?: No.
What do I need to know
before going shopping?:
Not much. Azurite will give you a beautiful blue look at a much
lower price than natural lapis lazuli. Of course, if you are
shopping for lapis lazuli make sure you are not being sold azurite.
Beyond that there is not much to worry about.
Beads of combination malachite
and azurite strung with malachite and lapis lazuli beads
Source: Found in copper mines world wide
Chemical: Cu2(CO)3 OH2
Formation: Azurite forms from oxidation of copper
ore deposits
Crystal System: Monoclinic
Unusual Properties: None
Gemological Information
RI: 1.720 - 1.838
Birefringence: .108
Optic Character: B+
Specific Gravity: 3.8 + -
Hardness: 4
Transparency: TP-Opaque
Special Identifying Properties
and Tests: As shown
in the photo above sometimes azurite and malachite grow together.
This is
the only mineral that will form with this color combination
Synthetics: None
Imitations: Various
Gemological information on this page has been provided by the
International School of Gemology.