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Consumer Information What color is it?: Well, as you see above it can be a lot of colors. Sapphires actually occur in virtually every color of the rainbow. Above you see a blue. And below you will find some green and purple. Name a color and you will find a sapphire very close. Except for the pure red stones. These are rubies. But anything with a strong purple overtone or definite pink color will be properly called a sapphire. What is the story behind this gemstone?: One of the most beautiful and historic gemstones in the world. Sapphires speak for themselves I believe. Can I wear it everyday?: Absolutely. Second only to diamond in hardness. And very tough to break (although it can be done). Is it expensive?: Yes they can be. And please read this: Most sapphires are heat treated to enhance their color. If it were not for heat treatment (see Gemstone Treatments) we would not have many sapphires. But a true natural, unheated sapphire of fine blue color will be very expensive. Sometimes tens of thousands of dollars. While the heated stones can be very beautiful and cost only hundreds of dollars. You choose which you would like to have. But be prepared. If you are offered a less expensive sapphire that is a beautiful color, it is more than likely heated. If you are told otherwise be very cautious. Is it a birthstone?: Yes, September. (blue)
Source: World Wide but mostly from the Far East countries like Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Burma Chemical: Al2O3 aluminum oxide Formation: Mainly in igneous rocks Crystal System: Hexagonal in habit but often referred to as trigonal.
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